Special Sessions
The EFA 2022 Annual Meeting offers four sessions in collaboration with the Banco de España, the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank, and the Norges Bank Investment Management.
Papers for the special sessions will undergo the same submission and review process as regular paper submissions. Submitting to special sessions means that you are submitting to the main conference. The papers for these special sessions will be chosen from the pool submitted to the conference.
Banco de España
Banco de España encourages the submission of papers on Corporate creditworthiness after the pandemic:
- The rise of insolvent firms and their access to financing
- The evolution of NPLs
- The contribution of credit support programmes to mitigate firm insolvencies and to the zombification of firms
- The role of bankruptcy procedures in preventing the zombification of the economy
Bank for International
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) encourages the submission of papers on the topic Financial stability implications of non-bank financial intermediaries (NBFIs):
- How do NBFIs affect financial intermediation and market functioning?
- What are the main channels of systemic risk propagation by NBFIs?
- What are effective risk-management tools in the NBFI sector?
- How to design a regulatory framework for NBFIs?
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) encourages the submission of papers on the topic Central Bank Digital Currency. Some of the specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- CBDC design (e.g. privacy, remuneration, account- vs. token-based systems)
- The implications of CBDC for monetary policy, financial stability, and public welfare
- Public vs. private digital money: competition, innovation, efficiency
- International aspects related to CBDC (e.g. cross-border payments, capital flows, currency competition)
Grupo Catalana Occidente
Grupo Catalana Occidente encourages the submission of papers on Climate Finance:
- The role of the Finance and Insurance Sector in the fight against climate change
- Disclosure of climate change-related information by the Financial Sector
- The European policy against climate change. The new climate and energy framework in the horizon 2030
- Implications of the new European Taxonomy: climate change mitigation and adaptation
Norges Bank Investment
Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) encourages the submission of papers on the topic Understanding the long-run drivers of asset prices:
- Asset pricing in an international context
- Institutional investor demand, lending supply and asset prices
- Tradable risk factors and their links to the macro economy
We welcome theoretical and empirical papers aiming to understand the longer-run determinants of asset prices, especially in an international context.